Local Schools

FFA Students Excel At Competition
March 03rd 2011 by News
FFA Students Excel At Competition

Submitted by Ronnie Shipman,
FFA Advisor

Members of the Dexter FFA competed at Area 16 contests held at Twin Rivers on March 2. The DHS Chapter had several members competing in different events.

In Extemporaneous Speaking, Lauren Powers placed first. Extemporaneous Speaking is for any high school FFA member. They pick three topics out of a hat and then have 30 minutes to prepare a 4-6 minute speech.

In Division One Public Speaking, Chelsey Massey placed first. Division One public speaking is for 9th grade students and they must write and present a 3-4 minute speech.The FFA Knowledge team from Dexter placed 4th. The team members are Dustin Bates, Shelby Edwards, Brianna Madigan and Nick McCollough.

images/Blog Images/Local News/FFA3.gifThese students have all qualified to compete at district FFA contests held in Cape Girardeau on March 26.

Other competitors were, Shelby Edwards in Creed Speaking who placed seventh. Christin Sitzes and Chelsey Massey's record books who both placed second. Caleb Johns'completed record book that placed third and the Dexter FFA Chapter Scrapbook that placed second.

[i]Photos above: Top Photo:Lauren Powers, who placed first in Extemporaneous Speaking
Middle Photo: Chelsey Massy who placed first in Division One public Speaking.
Bottom Photo: The Dexter FFA Knowledge team that placed 4 at contest on Tuesday include (from right to left) Brianna Madigan, Nick McCollough, Dustin Bates and Shelby Edwards.
images/Blog Images/Local News/FFA1.gif

Last Updated on March 03rd 2011 by News

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